Layout Visualizer

Put in your specs and see a 3D model of your drilled bowling ball

Bowler specs (convert fractions to decimals)
What is your PAP (positive axis point)?*
 in ×  in
(*Positive number means a point above the center line, negative means below)
(**Use cut-to-cut spans, i.e. the distance between the edges of holes without inserts, slugs, interchangeable devices, etc.)
(†The outer diameter of a standard finger insert is 31/32", or 0.9687", though larger sizes exist.)
(‡Thumb slugs usually range from 1 1/8" to 1 1/2" in diameter; for the average bowler, 1 1/4" is the most common size.)

Copyright (c) 2025 Derek Li. All rights reserved.

This program is not meant to be instructional and there are no guarantees to its accuracy. Do not use this as a drilling guide. Consult your local pro shop to find the best layout and fit for you.

Currently, only the dual-angle layout method is supported. In the future, I may look into implementing other measurement systems, e.g. VLS/2LS.

To learn more, visit these pages:

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